Saturday, December 5, 2015

Educational Technologies Screencast Video Link

This is a link to a screencast of the virtual world of 2ndLife and a small tutorial on how to use some of the functions of the site.  I also discuss some of the pros and cons to learning in a virtual world!

Check it out!


  1. Hi Duane,

    Like you, I am new with Second life, but you did great, I did not see any awkwardness when you move around the control. I think virtual reality is captivating because of the boundless possibilities in evoking a specific functional reaction. Using virtual learning experiences, providers can engage students in a complicated setting that has been controlled to be safe and designed particularly to optimize their learning (Kellems et al., 2015).


    Kellems, R. O., Grigal, M., Unger, D. D., Simmons, T. J., Bauder, D., & Williams, C. (2015). Technology and transition in the 21st century. Teaching Exceptional Children, 47(6), 336-343. doi:10.1177/0040059915588089

  2. Hi Duane,
    I too am new to Secondlife and using avatars for learning and using screencast to capture and present the information for this assignment. I see you were able to figure out how to manage some of the features and demonstrate its use while recording at the same time. I found it somewhat difficult doing that. You did a great job. According to (DeMaio & Edwards Oakes, 2014) “the term screencast refers to the video capture of an entire computer screen while software is in use, usually with accompanying audio narration. The screencast might be a recorded video or a slideshow presentation that introduces a topic and provides examples of the types of problems students might encounter” (p. 340).
    DeMaio, D. N., & Edwards Oakes, C. (2014). Flipping the classroom with screencasts. Radiologic Technology, 85(3), 340-343.
