Monday, December 14, 2015

MN531 Unit 5 Survey Link

Web based surveys have become very popular in the past few years.  They provide a quick and easy way of gauging the views of a target population on a preset topic of interest (Wyatt, 2010).  Web-based surveys are having an increased influence on the survey process. Unlike other types of surveys, Web page design skills and computer programming expertise play a significant role in the design of Web-based surveys. Survey respondents face new and different challenges in completing a Web-based survey (Gunn, 2014).

Gunn, H. (2014). Web-based surveys: Changing the Survey Process.  Retrieved
Wyatt, J.(2010). When to use web based surveys?  Retrieved from:


  1. Hi Duane,
    As you mentioned, web-based surveys are becoming popular and offer a quick and easy way for participates to rate their views on a specific subject. Web-based surveys do have a potential for low response rates and issues with privacy and sampling bias, they still serve as a tool to collect information (Zdonek & Zdonek, 2014, p. 89). You did a great job presenting the information on virtual reality in your power point and I found your survey easy to understand and found the questions to be clear and direct and correlated with your power point presentation. Great job!
    Zdonek, I., & Zdonek, D. (2014). Methods and tools for creating electronic surveys. Studia I Materialy Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Zarzadzania Wiedza / Studies & Proceedings Polish Association for Knowledge Management, 72, 89-101.

  2. Hi Duane,

    I think you did a good job with your power point presentation. You were able to present the facts clearly. Understanding how to utilize power point is one of the step in developing an effective presentation. The design you select should base on the viewer and the way you plan to present: blue and green get the viewers feel good and at ease about the topic; bright colors like reds and yellows make the viewers excited and happy; high contrast such as dark backgrounds with light lettering or light background with dark lettering, will make presentation easy to read when projected on a screen ( The New Mexico State University, 2013).

    Great work with your survey questions. The questions have good quality, it does not cause the respondent to feel baffled and thwarted. The questions can give all the possible responses.


    New Mexico State University. (2013). eSource: Ten qualities of an effective powerpoint presentation. Retrieved from http://aces.nmsu.ed. u/directory/eSource/view_resource.php?resource_id=490
